Win Tickets: “Becoming Van Gogh” at Denver Art Museum
One Person Will Win Two Tickets to Becoming Van Gogh at the Denver Art Museum
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2. Email carri@firsttakefeatures.com and tell her your favorite Van Gogh Painting (Emails kept private and are used so we can notify the winners)
“Isn’t this terrific?” grins Stranding as he points to a painting filled with flowers
bursting with color. “You can see Van Gogh discovered the world of color while living in the South of France.” With sights set on specific paintings, Stranding wanted to tell a story. Each painting and sketch was targeted for a specific reason. You will explore the different styles and techniques Van Gogh experimented with over his 10 year career.
In response to the question of all celebrated artists why did Stranding lock his focus on Van Gogh? Painting a proud smile on his face and adjusting his signature orange bow tie Stranding stood up taller. “He was an underdog with four failed careers. He worked hard enough and became disciplined enough to become one of the most famous artists of all time.”
You quickly learn success didn’t quickly fall onto the painter’s palette. Rough but accurate paintings show a unique style that is adding a vibrant new energy to the DAM. Van Gogh quotes accent each of the four rooms of the exhibit. “And the great isn’t something accidental. It must be willed.” As is clear with each of his spontaneous but deliberate brush strokes.
“Becoming Van Gogh” October 21-January 20, $13-$25
720-865-5000 or denverartmuseum.org.
Denver Art Museum
100 W 14th Ave. Pkwy.
Denver, CO 80204

Museum Curator, Timothy Stranding, speaks about the progression of self taught Artist, Vincent Van Gogh

Self Portrait. 1887. “It is difficult to know one self, but it isn’t easy to paint onself eaither.” Vincent Van Gogh
i too like starry night..the blue is so vibrant and it makes me feel that the universe is out there waiting for me to explore it all,
My favorite Van Gogh painting is Starry Night! Because it’s beautiful, as are the lyrics to Don McLean’s song, “Vincent”.