4 Surprising Reasons to Choose An Electric Bike Instead of A Car

Although e-bikes are growing rapidly in popularity nowadays, bikes have always been the healthiest and cheapest means of transportation. Electric bikes give cyclists a pedaling boost to help them travel faster and climb steep hills and roads to reach their destination timeously. Their built-in motors and rechargeable batteries work as an energy-efficient power source, making e-bikes an eco-friendly option. Using an e-bike as your primary means of transportation will provide you with numerous benefits that help you stay fit. As opposed to cars, they are a green, eco-friendly option that doesn’t leave a detrimental carbon footprint on the environment. Four of the most compelling reasons that will get you to join this trend are highlighted in this article. Keep reading to find out why e-bikes are better than cars.

1. E-bikes Are Eco-friendly 

We live in a time where almost everyone is trying to reduce their impact on the environment, which is one of the main reasons why these bikes are becoming so popular. The CO2 emissions and overall pollution resulting from traveling by a motor-powered bicycle are much less per kilometer than those emitted by diesel- or petrol-powered cars. Cars endanger our environment and pollute the air we breathe, contributing to climate change and global warming. Meanwhile, an average electric bike uses energy at a rate of 100 to 150 watts, compared to a rate of 15000 watts used by an average car – which is – almost 100 times higher than e-bikes. The same rate also goes for motorcycles and other gas-powered vehicles. Using an e-bike for shorter trips rather than your car will help protect the environment and improve the air quality, and you’ll also be saving money on your daily commute. 

2. They Keep you Fit

Even though electric bikes are pedal-assisted, studies show that e-bikers use their muscles more often than regular cyclists, and they cover larger distances. The bike enthusiasts from https://www.electricbikeparadise.com explain that you can reduce stress, improve your heart health, lower the impact on your knees, and get daily exercise by using an e-bike for your short trips. In return, this will improve your mood and leave you feeling energized and refreshed. After all, a little pedaling is better than no pedaling at all, and e-bikes allow you to choose how much power assistance you want from their motors. All you need to do is look up the different models and motors before purchasing one to ensure that you get the right electric bike for your fitness level.

3. They Are Fast, Flexible, and Easy to Use

All the credit goes to their advanced batteries and motors that make these bikes look entirely like regular bikes but with faster speeds and higher comfort levels. Their assisted pedaling reduces the pressure you put on your knees when using a regular bike, and it allows you to cover longer distances in a shorter time. Cycling will also help you make use of that multi-purpose cycle lane that you can take to skip traffic and reach your destinations faster. This makes electric bikes faster, and more flexible on different roads. They are also adjustable, allowing you to control how much power assistance you get from their motors. All in all, they are easier to use, and it is all thanks to their enhanced technology that has made them look sleek and perform exceptionally well for modern users.

4. Electric Bikes Can Help you Save Money 

Using an electric bike is cheaper than a car for many reasons. For one, an e-bike does not require a license, and you will not have to pay the regular taxes you pay for your vehicle. You also won’t have to pay for insurance for your bike if you don’t want to, not to mention that you will dodge unnecessary parking fees. Moreover, electric bikes are much cheaper to purchase and maintain. It costs only a few cents to recharge the battery of an electric bike, which can save you a small fortune in the long-run. In short, it costs almost nothing to travel using an electric bike. 

If you haven’t considered using an electric bike as your primary means of transportation, it may be the best time to start rethinking this eco-friendly option. It is no wonder that they are becoming so popular nowadays; they are easy to use, fast, flexible, and help keep our environment clean. They are also cheap to use and maintain and cost merely a few cents to travel up to 50 miles. Using your e-bike and leaving your car in the garage will help keep our air clean and our environment healthy.