5 Tips to Staying Motivated to Exercise
The start of the new year means that many individuals are embarking on a fresh workout plan. While it’s easy to stay motivated in the beginning of the journey, this motivation tends to fall off after a few weeks into the plan. Here are five tips to help you to stay motivated as you embark on a new exercise routine.
Set Goals: One of the best ways to increase your motivation is to set clear goals. Your goals should be challenging yet achievable. If you make your goals too ambitious, you will be more tempted to quit when it does not come easy. The goals should also be specific. For example, instead of having a goal to become a runner, try making it more specific by signing up for a race on a certain date. Do not just commit these goals to your head. Putting them down on paper will help make it more likely that you will follow through with the plan.
Fuel Up: You will be more motivated to continue with your workout plan if you feel good before, during, and after the exercise session. To make this happen, you need to properly fuel up before working up a sweat. According to Legion Athletics, “one of the easiest ways to maximize muscle and strength gain and post-workout recovery is to eat enough protein.” If you struggle with this, you may want to try drinking a whey protein shake prior to your workout.
Recruit a Buddy: It is always more fun to exercise with a buddy. Making your workout sessions social will make them fly by. As a bonus, a workout buddy will also keep you more accountable to your goals. It is easier to get motivated to get out of bed and go for a run in the morning if you know that your neighbor is counting on you to show up. Be sure to choose a workout partner that you can count on and that will not be a bad influence by convincing you to blow off your exercise session to do something else.
Make it Fun: You are not going to stay committed to the activity if you dread it. If you want to stay motivated, you need to find an exercise that is fun for you. Exercise does not have to involve spending hours in a hot and stuffy gym. Taking your workout outdoors will instantly boost your mood. You can also make it more fun by playing a team sport or something else that will ignite your competitive spirit while also providing a social outlet. It will also be more fun if you are intentional about varying what you do so that the boredom of repetition does not set in.
Reward Yourself: There is nothing quite as motivating as a nice reward for your efforts. After each hard workout session, take a minute to relax and appreciate how it feels to complete your goal for the day. Do not underestimate the power of recognizing this intrinsic reward of a job well done. You can also give yourself extrinsic rewards for meeting your goals. Perhaps you want to indulge in a pedicure after meeting your weekly workout goal? Or maybe you want to treat yourself to an ice cream cone after finishing that race?
There is no denying that it can be challenging to stay motivated with a workout plan once the novelty wears off. These five tips will help to keep you encouraged and inspired as you strive to reach all of your fitness goals.