6 Important Things To Do Before Traveling If You Are A CBD Smoker
CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive component of Cannabis that has been shown to be beneficial for many conditions. But because it’s derived from the cannabis plant, it can cause problems when traveling internationally. For example, in Thailand, CBD is not allowed within their borders. This article will serve as a guide on what to do if you plan on traveling soon!
Some of the benefits of CBD include reducing anxiety and depression, treating epilepsy and other neurological disorders, and reducing pain. CBD is legal in many countries, but there are still some countries where its use is not allowed. The legalization of Cannabis in certain countries has still left people wondering about the legality of CBD. With more and more people starting to use CBD as a form of treatment, it is important to know the laws.
1) Research the countries’ laws and regulations
It’s never a good idea to go into another country without knowing their laws. For example, Thailand does not allow any form of cannabis or hemp within its borders. While traveling there, all forms of CBD are prohibited because it derives from the cannabis plant. It is also advised that people do not travel with CBD products that are labeled as “for medical use” or anything similar because it implies that they contain psychoactive components, which is illegal in some countries. According to the Thai government, this includes products with ingredients such as Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Cannabidiol (CBD) Cannabinol (CBN)
2) Check out any local pharmacies or shops that sell CBD where you are going
If you’re traveling to a foreign country and there are no cannabis or hemp shops where you are going, then it may be a good idea to check out local pharmacies that carry CBD. However, be sure that they do not have psychoactive components in them!
3) Prepare to be patient
Even if your destination country has legalized the use of CBD, don’t expect it to happen overnight. If you’re going to a country that has legalized CBD, they may still have a long process of getting everything together. For example, Canada legalized cannabis in 2018 and is just now getting everything ready for the cannabis industry.
4) Be prepared to answer questions if there is a problem
If you find yourself traveling to an international destination and there’s a problem with your CBD or cannabis products, be sure to have documentation on hand. This way, the law enforcement officials can see that what you’re doing is legal in your home country and should follow suit. It may help if you have the appropriate documentation.
5) Bring documentation with you if it may be helpful
It never hurts to bring something with you that shows what you’re doing is legal in your country. If they see that CBD is legal where you are from, then hopefully, there won’t be any problems. Some countries may ask for this kind of documentation. It might be a good idea to have it just in case!
6) Prepare to pay more for CBD products and understand that they may not work as well compared to your usual supplements
Just because a country has legalized the use of CBD, does not mean that you can go into a store and buy whatever product you want at a low cost. Check out these Delta-8 THC products before you leave the country. If anything, prices may be higher for CBD products compared to the rates in your home country. In addition, you may see a dip in effectiveness because CBD products from other countries have been known to have fillers and additives that might compromise the integrity of the product.
CBD products are also not as easily accessible as THC products because they need to be extracted from cannabis plants, which are not allowed in some countries.
CBD is a hot topic these days, and it’s important to remember that there are laws and regulations regarding the use of CBD in various countries. In most cases, you can’t just travel into another country with your CBD products without knowing what the rules are like where you’re going. This article has provided an overview of some important things to know before traveling if you have been using CBD supplements or oils for pain relief at home. For more information on how we help people navigate legalities and be successful in selling their hemp-based products online, contact us today! We make sure our clients understand all aspects of international marketing so they don’t run into any unexpected problems when visiting different countries.