Both competitive and casual players are welcome to step up to the table at Ace Eat Serve

Denver's New Ping Pong Bar Adds New Spin On Entertainment: Ace Eat Serve

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Step into Ace Eat Serve and expect to hear lots of cheering as white balls fly across the room. The ping pong hall/restaurant/bar packs quite the crowd any night of the week with people anxious to put a new spin on entertainment. Josh Wolkon, owner of Stuebens and Vesta Dipping Grill, brought the ping pong revolution to Denver.

Both competitive and casual players are welcome to step up to the table at Ace Eat Serve

Both competitive and casual players are welcome to step up to the table at Ace Eat Serve

“There’s a lot of nostalgia for people who grew up playing ping pong,” says Josh. Even for those who didn’t, the ultimate basement sport is catching on quick. People looking to lighten up the lunch hour are bellying up to tables come noon. “It’s a great stress release no matter the time of day. People come in here and play for a half hour and eat for the other half,” says Josh. But some of the liveliest nights start after six, which is when Josh has experienced prime people watching. “Women come in the spikiest heels and play. It blows my mind,” laughs Josh.”And there’s always also the couple on a date that starts out lobbing the ball back and forth. Until the dude gets a competitive look in his eye and slams the ball across the table.”

What’s on the Menu:

On weekends, you can expect a wait at one of the 10 ping pong tables but the nearby restaurant and bar will keep your mind off the time. “We serve Asian comfort food. That type of food is pretty hot right now in places like Portland and San Francisco. It fits a niche,” says Josh. Menu items like the Crispy Whole Snapper, Crispy Tiger Wings, Spicy Pork Ramen and the Kung Pao Half Chicken are all worth trying. Also check out the Asian inspired cocktails and house made juices and sodas.

Ace Eat Serve also whips up delicious dinner to be enjoyed in the dining room or between games

Ace Eat Serve also whips up delicious dinner to be enjoyed in the dining room or between games

What the Vibe is Like:

Make sure to take notice of the atmosphere between games and bites. Ace Eat Serve creates a vibrant scene by recycling items found in shipping yards to decorate the space. “I don’t think lets just buy a hostess stand but lets find a way to make it creative. You can have a lot of fun with every single detail,” reveals Josh. Inside you will find the design inside the former limousine company uses salvaged airplane parts, shipping containers and even old train flooring on the bar tops.

Josh Wolkon, owner of Ace Eat Serve uses the original character of the former limousine company that now houses his latest restaurant. Wolkon says, “"That's my favorite part of what I do is creating. I get inspired by travel and design."

It's not all ping pong at Ace Eat Serve- Asian Inspired Cocktails also attract attention

It’s not all ping pong at Ace Eat Serve- Asian Inspired Cocktails also attract attention

Carri’s Catch: Jet to Ace if it snows six inches or more for the Winter Apres Ski Party. The ping pong games move outside with a heated patio, warm drinks and hot soup!

Ace Eat Serve

For the tournament schedule visit:


501 E. 17th Ave.

Denver, CO 80203

Ace Eat Serve in Denver's uptown neighborhood puts America's favorite basement sports on the map

Ace Eat Serve in Denver’s uptown neighborhood puts America’s favorite basement sports on the map


  1. Jayne on January 31, 2014 at 3:24 pm

    Really love table tennis. So happy u open one in Denver. I’m 70 years young is there a crowd our age?

  2. Eric on February 13, 2013 at 10:51 am

    I’m guessing Ace goes through 650 balls per week

  3. Jeff on January 22, 2013 at 2:43 pm

    I think they go through 84 a week!!!