What to Look for in a Quality Removal Company

Moving home can be very strenuous and laborious, made more so when the removal company that you contract is not up to scratch. A quality removal company is absolutely essential should you want to move home without a hitch and have the process go as smooth as possible. Hiring an unscrupulous and poorly managed removal company will be a detriment to your move and you will find yourself with many problems occurring later down the line. Unprofessional removal companies are synonymous with damaged furniture, lost goods, and high prices, and it is because of these unprofessional removal companies that many people favour moving homes without a removal company and transporting their belongings in a leased van. Rather than having to do all of this yourself, you should find a professional removal service that can be trusted not to damage your goods and to remove your belongings safely and carefully.

Specialist and International Removals

If you have antique furniture that would significantly lose its value if damaged, a specialist removal service is required. This is also the case with international removals, as specialist international removalists can help you move your antique furniture safely abroad. Entrusting your furniture to a service that does not specialize in international removals or antique furniture can be very risky. 

Unskilled and unspecialized removal companies should never be entrusted with your precious belongings, antique or not. We pay a lot for our furniture, and we should have them treated carefully and with diligence. Having our furniture mishandled is something nobody should have to experience and is something that is totally unacceptable. Thus, make sure you hire a specialized service for international and antique removals.


You will want to find the removal service with the best integrity and moral principles. A service that will lie to you about damaged goods, misquote prices, and potentially steal, is one to be avoided. You must search carefully so that you can find the removal service with the best integrity and the one that will be forthcoming about any accidents or damages, and give you a reasonable, realistic, and honest quote. It is often the case that you hire removal men, and they try to extort more money out of you once you have arrived at your destination – these are people to be avoided. You can often determine whether somebody has integrity simply by a conversation with them, failing that, you can check them out these ways:


Reviews will indicate whether a removal service is to be trusted, and whether it is worth hiring them. You can find reviews directly on their website, or on an independent review website. There will undoubtedly be at least one review if the delivery driver is of poor quality and unscrupulous. If they are good, equally, it should show on the reviews.


If you want to determine whether a delivery driver is worth hiring, then check if they are licensed to perform removals and if they are a verified trader on an online trader’s platform. If they do not have a license then you should definitely be wary of them, and even report them to an independent trader’s bureau for review to determine whether they are acting illegally and unlawfully carrying out removals. Having no license is indicative of an untrustworthy removal man, and because of this, they should be avoided as good as possible.


Moving home should be stress-free. Often the best way to determine whether somebody is to be trusted (this does not work all the time, of course, as some people are very manipulative), is simply to meet them for the first time. You should be able to pick up on factors that may indicate they are lazy or careless, and equally, you should be able to determine whether they are professional or careful. The attitude of the potential driver should be, pending the other tests, a big factor in your decision-making process. You must always perform the other tests, however, as a driver who may seem professional may not be, as can a professional driver seem unprofessional. Fully vet your service before handing over your money and belongings, as a careless driver can be a huge detriment to your quality of life and seriously impact the moving process for you negatively.

Now, with the help of this page, you know everything that there is to know about moving homes. This page will have told you everything you must consider when picking a competent removal service and should aid you in reducing the likelihood of picking one that is unscrupulous and untrustworthy.