What’s A Good Vaginal Hygiene Routine?

There is plenty of do’s and don’ts on the internet when it comes to good vaginal hygiene. Since we know how hard it would get sometimes to filter out all the information you find on the internet, we have decided to make a list of tips and tricks for a good vaginal hygiene routine!

Since we wrote about boric acid suppositories amazon, a lot of readers have been asking us about this topic, too! Let’s delve deeper and find out more about vaginal health with the help of our experts!

Here are 5 tips that we find extremely useful when it comes to a correct vaginal hygiene routine! Let’s go!

1. Don’t overdo it!

The vaginal flora includes some good bacteria that ensure the right pH of the vaginal environment. One of these bacteria is the lactobacillus, which produces lactic acid thus keeping the pH at an acidic level.

Exaggerating with cleaning can throw off the bacterial balance of the vagina, causing an imbalance. This can make you prone to developing medical conditions such as bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection. Taking a bath or a shower once a day should be enough!

2. Never use scented soap!

The vagina has a natural odor and some of us may have been tempted to use a scented soap to cover it. While it may be effective for covering the odor, scented soaps can increase the risk of infection and irritation by leaving traces of perfume on your sensitive skin.

Be sure to use hypoallergenic soap or unscented soap on your sensitive area!

3. Douching is a big no-no!

We talked about douching a lot! Experts have grown tired of always reminding us how harmful douching can be for our health!

The vagina has a self-cleaning mechanism that flushes out harmful bacteria. Douching removes good bacteria along with harmful ones too, which creates a pH imbalance. This can make you prone to developing infections and other severe medical conditions. 

Avoid douching at all costs, unless the doctor has recommended vaginal douching for your condition.

4. Special products are optional!

Wet wipes, special sprays, fancy soaps – all sound nice, but honestly, you do not need them for a good vaginal hygiene routine! Sometimes, they can even have traces of perfume which can irritate your sensitive area. 

If you want to feel special from time to time, you can use those, for sure. But that is totally up to you, and it does not contribute to a correct vaginal hygiene routine!

5. Boric acid suppositories are a girl’s best friends!

For recurrent yeast infections or recurrent bacterial vaginosis, nothing beats boric acid suppositories! These are the doctors’ to-go choices when it comes to treating recurring medical conditions that did not respond well to the first-line treatment. 

Boric acid suppositories are an off-the-counter medication, super affordable, and easy to use. However, you should never start the administration of this treatment without checking up with your doctor first! You should also be aware of the side effects of getting an iud.

Usually, for treating BV or yeast infections is enough one capsule of boric acid per day. Most women prefer inserting it before going to sleep, to prevent leakage from happening, but that’s entirely up to you. Just keep in mind that you should follow the treatment for 14 days, inserting the capsule at the same hour each day.

That’s pretty much all you should know when it comes to vaginal hygiene. Of course, you should make sure to wash thoroughly, without skipping the inner and outer labia, but this is common sense knowledge. Wash thoroughly with warm water and unscented soap once a day and that should be it!

During your period or the menstrual cycle, you should take extra caution to feel comfortable. We know how tough it is, especially in the summer, to wear a pad, but that is so much healthier for you than using a tampon. Also, it is so much comfortable, and it reduces the risk of infection or toxic shock syndrome (TSS) to zero. 

Things like vaginal wipes can be useful after going to the gym or after changing the tampon but overusing them can irritate. Due to the bacteria that is naturally found in the sensitive area, you are more likely to develop an infection when a scratch or a cut comes appears, and irritation is no different!

In the sensitive area, there are multiple sweat glands. Especially in the summertime, the skin from your sensitive area needs to be able to breathe, to remove excess moisture. By using synthetic underwear, all the moisture piles up and it can make you feel uncomfortable throughout the day. 

In the long run, you are increasing the risk of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections by using synthetic underwear. Replace it with cotton or other natural fabric underwear and you should be just fine!

Also, some level of body odor is something that naturally happens to everyone. We know that in the summertime it can get a little bit too much, especially if you are on your period. Be aware of some signs when it comes to your vagina: your natural odor, the discharge level, the amount, the color, and the density – all are things that you should pay attention to and schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as you notice unusual patterns or changes. 

If you find yourself still struggling with an unusual scent even after you just came out of the shower, that might be a symptom of another medical condition. In that case, you should follow the advice of a specialist to avoid severe complications and aftereffects! The doctor will tell you everything you need to know about your treatment!

A good vaginal hygiene routine is not tough and neither complicated: warm water and unscented soap are all you need, everything else is a special bonus! Wash thoroughly and that’s pretty much all you need to do. Do not let society tell you what you need to do and which products to use to keep your vagina healthy!