A Guide to the Best Dog Proof Cat Litter Boxes in 2020
It’s not nice. Your dog keeps raiding your cat’s litter tray to eat the kitty’s poo and make a mess with all that litter strewn all over the place. Here are some tips for keeping your dog away from your cat’s waste – and staying safe!
The obvious idea is to raise the cat’s litter. By placing your cat’s litter box on a surface that’s raised, like a table or a countertop will deter many dogs unless your mutt happens to be a skilled counter surfer. The problem is that this can be considered unhygienic especially if there is a plan to use the table for something else.
Alternatively, you can get one of the very expensive Auto-Cleaning Litter Boxes. These are the ones designed to electronically self-clean. They automatically remove a cat’s waste. However, as well as the immense cost a fast-moving dog may still be able to get inside before cleaning takes place. Plus they can be very large contraptions.
Keeping you ca in a Gated Area may be another solution. Insteeeaaad of buying a dog-proof box, you could consider restricting access to your cat’s litter box by gating off the area. This would mean that only the cat can get into the area.
If you have enough time to simply clean up your cat’s poop often, it may be enough to stop your dog from getting it. Naturally, this is hardly likely to be an appealing option for many people. Some very desperate owners have been known to resort to changing what they feed their cats in a bid to use food that is designed to make cat waste taste less appealing to dogs.
You can also try covering your cat’s litter box. Some can be arranged so the opening is covered so only your cats can access the box. This does not appeal to all cats by any means. They don’t take kindly to t
Indeed, some reject them out of hand, others get nervous. They can feel that a covered box looks too much like a trap. However, if you have a laid back feline, this may well be a good option. You can read more here.
If focusing on your cat doesn’t work out, you can try to keep your dog occupied. It may be your dog’s bad habit is triggered by boredom. Distraction may be an answer to your dog’s poo munching problems. Try giving your dog a treat-dispensing toy. They challenge pooches and keep them occupied.
Alternatively, you could purchase a dog-proof latch that props a door open enough for cats to enter and depart but which stop dogs slipping through. If your dog and cat are similar sizes,m of course, this won’t work.
There are plenty of Dog Proof Litter Boxes on the market, all of which are Designed to Keep Dogs Out.
There are myriad reasons why dogs eat cat poop, but it doesn’t mean we have to encourage it!
When you’ve reviewed all the above options, think about getting a dog-proof cat litter box.