Actors with Disabilities Take Stage to Perform "The Foreigner" at Aurora Fox Theatre.
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Denver’s acting group PHAMALY knows what it means to push theatrical boundaries. For nearly 24 years the acting group (Physically Handicapped Actors & Musical Artists League) has given any actor with a disability the chance to stay center stage. Right now, the cast is performing “The Foreigner” at the Aurora Fox Theatre.
Actors say that while other theater companies may turn their backs, PHAMALY casts them in. Actors Kathi Wood, Jeremy Palmer and Trenton Schindele were all pursuing successful acting careers in L.A. but were all held back by their disabilities. After discovering PHAMALY their love of acting is no longer on hold.
At the Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 E. Colfax Ave. 7:30 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays and Jan. 28. 2 p.m. Sundays. Tickets, $15-$29, via phamaly.org or 303-739-1970.
Award Winning Photo Journalist, John Moore, captures amazing behind the scene moments from these actors. Take a look at CultureWest.Org
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