Bolivian Lions at Wild Animal Sanctuary Making Progress Two Years After Rescue
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Twenty-five rescued Bolivian lions are making leaps and bounds of progress after escaping a life of abuse and neglect. When Bolivia passed a law banning circus animals, an international rescue effort was immediately underway to transport the lions to a new life at the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, CO. To make sure the animals could comfortable adapt to Colorado’s cold winters, crews worked around the clock to build an indoor space in just six weeks.

The Bolivian Lion House was built in six short weeks once the Wild Animal Sanctuary got word 25 Bolivian Lions were in need of help.
We wanted to check in on the lions and see the progress they are making after two years of living a life full of nourishment and care. The lions have gained strength and confidence- as evident as the booming roars coming from their open spaces that grabbed our attention.
Among the rescued animals at the Wild Animal Sanctuary, you will find lions, tigers, bears and wolves. You can walk past one habitat after another on the elevated “Mile Into the Wild” Walkway.

The Bolivian Lion House is also home to four lions rescued from Zanesville, Ohio when nearly 50 exotic animals were freed.
Open seven days a week.
1946 County Road 53 Keenesburg, CO 80643
Carri’s Catch: The Bolivian Lion House is also home to four lions rescued from from Zanesville, Ohio last October. You may remember the news of Terry Thompson- the man who let his collection of 56 exotic animals loose before killing himself.
Thank you, Carri, for showcasing this amazing sanctuary. We have been many times, and it has been a true joy to see their establishment grow over the years!