Boulder Based ZEAL Optics Uses Plant Based Materials To Make Sunglasses
We have heard of sunglasses made from re purposed plastic, bamboo and even recycled stainless steel, but Boulder based ZEAL optics is taking eco-consciousness to a new level. This is the only line of sunglasses in the world where all of the collection’s frames are made with castor beans. Dubbed as Z-Resin, the material takes an eco-friendly approach by avoiding crude oil used in so many other brands. Castor plants can be planted and replanted while the CO2 released of manufacturing other materials have a much larger impact on the environment. The castor plant is an efficient and fast growing perennial.
Sunglasses like the fashion forward Penny Lane for women and hipster Sawyer for men are available in the 2013 collection. They are both light weight, have a snug fit and are great for anyone with an active lifestyle. Their polarized, scratch-resistant lenses block all UVA/UVB rays, too. The frames are also injected with ProFlex rubber for maximum comfort and grip when you’re on the move.
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