Winter Race Series, Littleton CO

Chance to Win: Winter Distance Series

Win a face entry to the Santa Stampede:

Easy Entry!

1. Like Catch Carri on FaceBook

2. Email and tell her your favorite winter workout activity. (Emails kept private and are used so we can notify the winners)

Winter Race Series, Littleton CO

Winter Race Series, Littleton CO

The winter season is no excuse to stay away from the outdoors—and the Winter Distance Series in Littleton, CO is keeping runners motivated. The races:

  1. The Santa Stampede 5K/10K (formerly Rudolph’s Revenge 5K/10K) December 15.
  2. Frosty’s Frozen 5 and 10 Miler January 19
  3. Snowman Stampede 5 and 10 Miler February 16.

Each race offers a party-like atmosphere with flat and fast courses

along the South Platte River followed by steaming coffee or hot chocolate at the finish. The timed race includes a t-shirt, aid station, post race snacks and awards for top finishers.  Register for one, two or all three races!

Winter Race Series, Littleton CO

Winter Race Series, Littleton CO

*There is also a  .75 mile kid’s run

*The series benefits the Fetal Hope Foundation. The Fetal Hope Foundation’s

mission is to provide support, provide information, fund research, increase awareness pertaining to fetal syndromes.

Winter Race Series, Littleton CO

Winter Race Series, Littleton CO