Denver Comic Con 2015 – The Geek Out! is Welcomed and Cool
by Kevin McPeek
Memorial Day weekend was home to the ever growing 5th Annual Denver Comic Con, which stands out for its Non-Profit organization, Pop Culture Classroom that uses comic books and other aspects of pop culture to engage kids in literacy and education. A truly unique, detail dense Comic Con from all walks of life (yes, there were aliens) were immersed into the experience.
The 100,000+ attendees for the event in 2015 ranged from stroller age to the young at heart on retirement benefits. Students, geeks, nerds (there is a difference), artists, pop culture gurus, sci-fi extraordinaires, leveled gamers, celebrities from current and classic and the fashionable showing of cosplayers. Traveling from all over Colorado, the country and globe, the DCC has a culture of empowered, supportive folk embracing their inner geek out for the first or even fifth time.
For this Denver Comic Con newbie, attendees were some of the nicest, most interesting and creative people I have had the opportunity to meet.
Energetic smiles, determined learners, celeb shocked fans and Jedi level patience of those waiting in line for exhibits filled the Denver Convention Center. Artist Valley held some of the paramount artists, both locally and nationally, displaying their work. Costume players (Cosplay) were enchanting attendees with superb self-expression. A car show of blockbuster proportions from Colorado Movie Cars drew continuous crowds. Celebrity panels took Q&A from devoted fan bases allowing attendees to connect and learn from their real life heroes. Students of the Pop Culture Classrooms were enriching and improving their skill sets of pursuit. Vendors were selling through stock like hotcakes. Local food and breweries fueled the attendees for the ongoing events. There was even Sci-fi Speed Dating for a cupid’s matching of geeks and nerds with proceeds going towards Women’s Shelters.
All were pushing their comfort zones to enjoy their interests in an environment built for such. There was a day when the geek, nerd held a socially negative connotation. The Denver Comic Con is a part of an ever growing cultural movement for reclamation at the forefront of driving pop culture, education and development of a much deserved social badge of the coolest place to be.
In 2016, when the drums of the Denver Comic Con begin to beat, comic book study closes in on its deadline, costumes manifesting after hours of work are put in… I suggest you have your ticket for this epic event.