Sporting mustaches created at the 3D Printing Store in Denver, CO

Denver’s 3D Printing Store Revolutionizes Technology

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3D printing is not just revolutionizing technology but also the world. The machines take a 3D digital file to create everything from human organs, blood vessels and even corral to replace parts of the damaged Great Barrier Reef. As the machines become cheaper and more efficient, some people have brought the technology into their homes. Say you break a towel hook and need a new one. You can download the 3D file and with the click of a button a replacement is on its way. During the process, materials are laid down layer by layer. Which is different from traditional manufacturing that creates objects by removing materials using drilling or cutting.

Sporting mustaches created at the 3D Printing Store in Denver, CO

Sporting mustaches created at the 3D Printing Store in Denver, CO

Denver is home to the first retail 3D printing store. Co-founder, Debra Wilcox, realized the potential for a bricks and mortar store to showcase the up and coming technolgy. I stopped in as different objects, including phone covers, bottle openers and jewelry were created. People can come here to shop or have their very own ideas printed.

The 3D Printing Store 

4603 Monaco St
Denver, CO 80216

