Denver’s 3D Printing Store Rolls Out Hilarious Campaign
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Denver’s 3D Printing Store Rolls Out Hilarious Campaign
The 3D Printing Store, a Colorado small business, is getting ready to roll out a hilarious compilation of motion graphic video shorts. It’s all part of its next innovative marketing campaign. Kicking-off with a heart-thumping trailer, the shorts feature a cast of 3D characters who find adventure atop a coffee table littered with discarded 3D objects.
We will unroll an episode every Wednesday this month. Here’s a previews of what to expect.
The first episode, Staring Contest, features an intense showdown between two of the series’ main 3D characters.
An unexpected 3D object wins Rochambeau in the next episode, Rock Paper Scissors.
Find out what 3D animal takes Dennis by surprise in the final video of the series, Dennis in the Wilderness.
With three locations across Colorado, and a fourth opening soon in Colorado Springs, The 3D Printing Store is the first of its kind to offer innovative 3D printing technology to consumers and professionals alike. Layer by layer, state-of-the-art 3D printers breath life into prototypes, replicas and artistic ideas. Co-founded in 2012 by Debra Wilcox and Kenton Kuhn, the company has recently collaborated with the Colorado School of Mines to aid in 3D printing research and expose students to this growing form of manufacturing. Check out the website for more information on their services and upcoming workshops and classes.