Don’t drive across the USA without these travel tips

Is there anything more exciting than a road trip? With many flight and international travel restrictions still in place due to Covid-19, more people than ever are planning their ultimate road trip experience across the USA. It’s the perfect way to make memories, spend time with friends and family and discover some pretty amazing places along the way.

The call of the open road is difficult to ignore, however, don’t be fooled into thinking that road trips require little planning and are much better when they’re spontaneous – this isn’t Hollywood! If you want your road trip to be fun, memorable for all the right reasons and ultimately, safe then you’re going to need to create a plan.

So, with this in mind don’t drive across the USA without these travel tips.

Don’t drive distracted

When driving anywhere, safety should be your top priority, which means focusing on the road ahead and other road users. Distracted driving causes thousands of accidents and even deaths on the road each year – click here for more info on car accident cases – so it’s important to recognise what could distract you and then remove it. Place your smartphone out of reach and put it on silent, ensure you have the right playlist before you set off, ask friends and family to quieten down if they’re too loud, and only eat and drink when you’ve pulled over safely.

Give your car the once over

If you’re planning a road trip, then you need to be in the right vehicle. One that’s big enough for everyone to be comfortable and one that’s equipped to travel long distances. Before you hit the road have your car checked out at least a week before. That way any repairs or maintenance that needs doing can be completed in good time.

Divvy up the responsibilities

Not everyone likes driving, and some people find reading maps (even understanding the GPS) difficult, so divvy up the responsibilities so everyone can pull their weight. If you have a friend that doesn’t like city driving, get them to drive on the empty highways and country roads. Nominate a navigator, someone to handle the music and sort out the food options. It’ll create less tension and make the trip much more enjoyable.

Plan, plan – plan!

Plan your route, plan your overnight stops, plan where and what you want to see. Of course, some spontaneity is exciting, but having a basic idea of your route will make your road trip much more fun and safer. You’ll be able to avoid roadworks, congestion and those dodgy sounding motels in the middle of nowhere.

Don’t drive tired

Photo by Luigi Manga on Unsplash

Much like distracted driving, driving whilst fatigued is also a lethal combination. Driving long distances is enough to make anyone’s eyes droop. So, if you’re feeling tired behind the wheel, or can’t remember travelling the last few miles, pull over and rest. Or ask someone else to take over driving for a while.

Are you planning a road trip? Let me know in the comments below!