Essential Supplements You Might Need to Take
What constitutes a healthy diet has long been the subject of major contention. There are many schools of thought on the matter, each with valid claims.
However, what is certain is that it is difficult to include all the vitamins and minerals your body needs in your diet. Many people have a hard enough time maintaining a healthy diet.
Therefore, if you want to consume as many nutrients as possible, you need to supplement your diet with other nutrients. The following are some of the essential supplements you might need to take:
Vitamin D
If you want to have healthier bones, then you will need a vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D helps the body immensely in the absorption of calcium, which strengthens bones. It also helps prevent the loss of hair.
Sunlight is the most excellent vitamin D source, and 30 minutes of moderate sunshine should be enough for your daily intake. However, very few can get enough sunlight every day during harsh weather hence the need for supplements.
Moreover, it is challenging to find foods that contain vitamin D hence the need to consume a supplement.
B Vitamins
There are 8 B vitamins, and it is challenging to consume them from your diet alone. However, all 8 B vitamins are essential to your body’s health, and they are incredibly complex vitamins.
One group of people that particularly need B vitamin supplements are vegetarians. B 12, in particular, can only be found in animal food sources.
You should first consult a doctor to see if you have a B vitamin deficiency. Luckily, there are many supplements and multivitamins that you can easily acquire from your local drug store.
Other than vitamins, minerals are also crucial to your health, and magnesium is one of them. Magnesium helps to promote bone health and energy production in the body.
Magnesium helps to regulate muscle and nerve function as well as blood sugar levels. The mineral is also helpful in making protein and DNA in pregnant women; hence you can see its importance in the human body.
Magnesium is an element that is abundantly found all over the planet. Therefore, it is easy to acquire it from food. According to CPOE.org, many people cannot get enough magnesium from their food due to unhealthy diets. Therefore, getting magnesium supplements will go a long way.
Our musculoskeletal structure is one of the most crucial parts of our physiology. The health of your bones significantly affects your health, and calcium is the one mineral mainly responsible for your bones’ health.
Research suggests that about 40% of Americans do not get adequate amounts of calcium in their diets. Therefore, many people need calcium as an essential supplement to their diet.
We all lose bone density as we age, and women lose if faster than men. Therefore, you may need a calcium supplement if you are aging.
Bone issues such as arthritis also necessitate the need for healthier bones and hence the need to supplement your diet with calcium.
Iron is another mineral that is very abundant on earth and in our bodies. We need adequate amounts of iron to maintain optimal health.
Iron is particularly important in the creation of healthy red blood cells. They also contribute to better brain function and increased energy production.
People who eat red meat and green leafy vegetables get enough iron from their diet. However, those who do not eat such food for whatever reason need an iron supplement.
Pregnant women particularly need to consume high amounts of iron because they are vital in the development of a fetus. Women who lose a lot of blood when menstruating could also do with an iron supplement.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a vitamin that is important to the human body. It helps improve vision and promotes the formation of bones and teeth. It also helps to keep skin healthy and supple.
Vitamin A is only found in animal protein sources. Therefore, if you are a vegetarian or don’t eat meat, you need to supplement your diet with vitamin A.
You may also get enough vitamin A from eggs, especially the yolk and dairy products. Despite being so plentiful, only a quarter of Americans get enough vitamin A in their diet.
The human body is a very intricately interconnected organism requiring a wide assortment of nutrients. The above nutrients are essential, and if you are not getting enough in your diet, you need to take supplements.
Though there are other supplements you should be taking; the above should be a great starting point. You can also take a multivitamin with many nutrients.