How To Be More Organized And Never Forget An Important Date

There are a lot of advantages to organizing your life. It might seem like a chore but being more organized will prove to be very useful in the future. You won’t ever have to worry about missing an important appointment or date again.

This article will offer you a few tips on how to be more organized:


Calendars are a great way to begin organizing your life. They’re a pretty obvious solution, so you probably expected to click here and find references to them. Even so, calendars allow you to meticulously record appointments, dates, and special occasions. They’re a great way to keep on track of days that you need to remember. Calendars are cheap, easy to find, and can be hung from your wall. You can even download calendar applications on your phone or tablet.

Post-It Notes

Writing things down on post-it notes is a fantastic way to start organizing things and keeping track of important dates, not to mention that writing things down improves your memory. Post-it notes stick straight onto the wall, so you can put them virtually everywhere. They can go on the fridge, on the door, or even on the wall. Packs of post-it notes are very inexpensive and they’re easy to find. They’re also attention-grabbing, so you’re unlikely to forget where they are.

Keep a Journal

If you want to keep better track of things, then you should keep a journal. Inside your journal, record the names of people that you’ve met, as well as dates, times, appointments, and places that you’ve been. This will help you to organize your life more effectively. When you know where you’ve been and what you’ve done it’s easier to figure out where you’re going and what you’ve got to do.

Schedules and Deadlines

Setting yourself deadlines and schedules is a great way to keep on track of things and organize your life more effectively. When you set yourself deadlines and you stick to them, you create a sense of self-discipline. This sense of self-discipline will ultimately make you a more efficient and organized person. Set yourself deadlines for day-to-day things in your life and be less chaotic.


Procrastination is the antithesis of organization. Procrastinators are seldom organized; they spend more time thinking about doing things than actually doing them. The longer that you wait to do something, the more difficult it will be. When you procrastinate, you delay doing things that can push them past their deadlines. Delaying things makes them seem much more demanding, which ultimately puts you off from doing them. Instead of thinking about things, get out and start doing them.

Everything Has a Place

A good way to start organizing your life is to give everything a place. Little things like this will help to make you a more organized and efficient person. Your pens go in one drawer, your paper in another. If you notice that anything’s out of place, correct it immediately. When you get into the habit of organizing the little things, you’ll do the same for the big things.


Don’t allow your home or office to fall into disarray. Regularly cleaning is a very important part of the organization. If you let things get cluttered, you’re less likely to be able to find important notes or reminder letters. Get into the habit of cleaning up once a day and, as we mentioned in the previous point, correct things that are out of place or wrong the moment that you notice them.

Purging Junk

Don’t get into the habit of hoarding. Hoarding things ultimately leads to clutter. Whenever something’s no longer useful to you, get rid of it. Don’t throw good things away, however. Take them down to a charity shop and donate them to the needy. Highly organized people are on top of their things and know what needs to go and what needs to stay. More things mean more clutter.


If you live in a house with your family or friends, you need to begin handing out jobs and tasks. Every person should know where they stand what you need from them. One person cleans while another person throws things away. Delegate responsibility effectively at home and at work.

Don’t Rely On Your Memory

The worst thing that you can do is to rely on your memory. Don’t. Take our advice and make notes of everything that you need to remember. Even if you have the best memory, you’re still going to forget things from time to time.

Getting your life organized doesn’t have to be difficult. With this page, it’s never been easier. Take our advice and take control of your life. The organization will benefit you in a multitude of different ways.