How to Make the Most of Your Hiking Trip

A nice hiking trip sounds like an amazing idea, especially after months of social distancing and staying at home because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Things are starting to become a little safer now but you still need to be careful and responsible while hiking.

You need to prepare for your journey because a hike can be quite hectic for numerous people, especially beginners. You need to be sure you have every piece of gear you need. Further, you need to be sure you’ve picked the right day for your hike. Read on if you want to learn more about making the most of your next hiking trip.

Be Physically Prepared

You need to be physically prepared for this adventure because it isn’t exactly similar to a walk in the park. It would be wise if you improved your cardiovascular fitness before the trip to ensure that you enjoy it. It won’t be fun if you need to stop every 10 minutes for a break to catch your breath. Try to do some workouts at home or even a simple run around your block to strengthen your cardio fitness. This will help you get the most out of your trip because you can cover more ground and enjoy it more. It would be very demotivating if you have to cut the hike short because you physically can’t go on. Having breaks is normal, but it’s not good if you do it often and you reach a point of total exhaustion.

Plan Your Route 

It would be great if you start planning your route before you head off into the wilderness. Getting a map or asking around to find the right pathways and trails that are good for hiking can make the experience a lot better. You will see beautiful areas and trek through beautiful landscapes that aren’t difficult to hike on. If you’re not going alone, then booking a private trip can be an option for you. Advice from the traveling and adventure specialists from suggests that having an itinerary for your trip can make it worthwhile and memorable. This is smart because you would cover all the areas you want to see and do the fun activities you want. You will get the most out of your outdoor adventure this way by covering more ground, seeing all the best areas, and making it back home before nightfall too. 

Get the Right Gear

You will need to have the right gear for this outdoor adventure to keep yourself safe. Also, it would make the experience easier and bearable. The terrain might require a specific type of footwear and clothing. This is why you need to have the essential gear that can make your experience a breeze. You need proper footwear that is suited for the terrain, hiking shoes and boots are both sturdy and comfortable. You will need extra pairs of synthetic or wool socks. You need moisture-wicking shirts and underwear because it will help with the sweating.

Remember to wear long-sleeve clothes for protection against the sun and possible bug bites. A warm and insulated jacket or lightweight fleece would help too. Proper gloves/mittens to hold your walking stick, and a good hat to protect you from the sun.

Pack Light 

You should pack light for your next hike because you don’t want to carry too much unnecessary weight. You would be going uphill most of the time and having a heavy backpack can be quite exhausting. Don’t take 5 choices of extra clothes, 10 cooking pans, or tools that you might not even use. Be smart with what you need, especially if you’re not staying overnight. You will need a walking stick, a multi-tool knife, first-aid kit, water canteen, compass, maps, binoculars, extra sandwiches, matches or a lighter, a headlamp if it gets dark, and some batteries. If you’re planning to stay overnight, then you will need the supplies needed to build yourself a shelter or tent, sleeping bag, extra socks, a stove, two cooking pans, a few utensils, and sunscreen. Overall, packing light can make your experience a lot easier.   

Hiking is considered to be quite the workout and you need to be prepared for it. Certain situations and conditions can make your experience much more enjoyable and fun than your average run in the park or using a treadmill in the gym. It can be quite therapeutic and life-changing for many people. You just need to plan out everything right and make sure you are ready for any possible outcome. Being physically and mentally ready can make a huge difference on this hike. Just remember to have fun and take some pictures!