How to protect your hair while working out
With the summer just around the corner and everyone trying to get back in shape, it’s time to prepare for the upcoming season. The most frequently asked question that individuals ask is how to take care of their hair during a workout?
Exercise does wonders for our bodies and helps us stay fit, but there comes a time when it can be harmful to our hair. Whether running or doing yoga, things like sweat, friction, and exposure to the elements can spell trouble for your hair.
Why is sweat not good?
While exercising, it’s inevitable that sweat accumulates on your scalp and the rest of your body. Although sweat isn’t inherently damaging, managing it effectively before, during, and after exercise is crucial to maintaining hair health. Importantly, the scalp is also a common area affected by hyperhidrosis, a condition characterized by excessive sweating without the typical triggers like heat or physical activity. This can make managing scalp sweat even more challenging for those affected.
This is where damage might occur if you let the sweat in your hair dry after your workout. Sweat can dry on your scalp and even clog your hair follicles, combining with microorganisms to irritate or injure your scalp.
If your hair has been dyed, the excessive salt concentration can affect the color. Wet hair is also more prone to breaking, so how you style your hair when working out is essential.
Below mentioned tips will help you have the best of both worlds, a healthy body paired with a shiny and smooth mane.
Use a sensitive shampoo
If you are a regular exerciser or fitness enthusiast, you are aware that a good workout can leave you sweating. Further yet, the sweat can make your hair look greasy.
This is why it’s recommended to look for a shampoo for sensitive scalps to apply on your roots when your hair is dry before your exercise – it’s a preventative strategy that can help reduce sweat while keeping your hair from looking greasy afterward.
Oil and leave-in conditioner to the rescue
For women with curly, unruly strands, post-workout frizz is an inevitable fact of life. But it doesn’t have to be! Oil your hair and scalp before working out with argan oil, rich in essential fatty acids that reduce dryness and help define curls.
Afterward, use a leave-in conditioning treatment or gel to restore moisture, help set your curls and reduce frizz.
Use hair bands or head wraps
The less you have to worry about your hair when it comes to working out, the better. That’s where hair wraps and headbands can help. Head wraps, or workout headbands, are common in aerobics and dance classes to keep sweat from dripping into your face or elsewhere on your body.
They’re also great for wicking sweat away from your scalp, leaving you feeling more comfortable during workouts.
Style your hair differently
It might be challenging to keep your hair healthy when exercising, but there are a few things you can do to assist. One method is to tie and style your hair in various ways while exercising. For example, while exercising on the treadmill, braid one side of your hair. Or tie a pony tail while hiking to keep hair from sticking to your sweaty face. Another option is to change your hairstyle every time you work out so that it isn’t in the same place every day.