Q & A with Burlesque Dancer, Midnite Martini

Kim Townsend, also known as Midnite Martini when it comes to Burlesque shows, has always been attracted to the world of singing and dancing. When she was a freshmen at UNC studying musical theater and dance, the pressure from instructors in the department to stay thin led to an eating disorder. “I transferred to CU to escape. I couldn’t be in an environment where the focus was on body image over dance,” says Kim. “I had professors telling me to “watch out for the freshman 15,” “you need the Male ‘V’ and the Woman hourglass,” and “no matter how talented you are, if you don’t have the looks you won’t get hired.” In search of a healthier lifestyle, Kim transferred to CU Boulder thinking she would never dance again. But after discovering Frequent Flyer Productions, she found her way back on stage through Burlesque Dancing. You can catch Midnite Martini perform at Lannie’s Clocktower Cabaret.

Midnite Martini performs at Lannie's Clocktower Cabaret
Midnite Martini performs at Lannie’s Clocktower Cabaret
Q: How is Burlesque different than other styles of dance for you?Both aerial and burlesque accepted all shapes and sizes and gave me a new healthy space to perform and create. It felt like family and I just felt like found myself again! And never turned back


Q: Tell us about some of the funny moments on stage?

Oh there are plenty! One of my favorites was when I was performing an aerial fabric routine. I went for the big reveal and split down dramatically. But one of my pasties flew off and I instantly grabbed my exposed area and tried to get down from the fabrics. With one hand on me and one hand trying to get out of the fabrics I got somewhat tangled and ended up with one foot on the ground, one still tied up in the fabric, one hand on my breast, and one hand up in the air like “Yep, I’m stuck folks!”


The audience actually went crazy! They loved it and screamed and laughed with me as the emcees had to come out after the music ended and hide me as I used both hands to untangle and get my other leg down. Most would think this memory is a nightmare, but it really is one of my favorites. The great thing about burlesque is that you are celebrating yourself and “real” women, so making mistakes or showing flaws are often the magical moments in this artform. It’s like when the cast of Saturday Night Live messes up, those are some of the funniest and best moments of all!


The crowd was totally behind me supporting me in my moment of vulnerability and having me give into the moment and mistake and share it with the audience made that performance more special than any one where the routine goes right. It was truly hilarious and special!


Q: What is your most memorable performance?

Again, there are many! But one of the performances that I feel like really changed my career and life was the first time I competed for Queen of Burlesque at the Burlesque Hall of Fame in Las Vegas. No one had heard of me outside of Denver, and this huge international crowd I’m sure were like “Midnitewho?” So that took the pressure off of me and I just went onstage and felt like this is my chance to surprise them!


It was such a fun performance and the audience responded very well as I demonstrated my bendy skills and positions while stripteasing. It was such an honor to perform at such a big event in front of such a prestigious burlesque crowd and the Burlesque Legends, but to get their approval and applause was just more than I had ever expected to achieve. I feel like after that my world was opened up to the international burlesque scene. I became a member of a larger burlesque community in that moment and I am so thankful to have had that chance and to be welcomed in so graciously.


Q: And what about the most rewarding

The most rewarding moments are when people approach me and tell me how empowering and inspirational our shows are to them. I’ve had so many women come up and thank us for being real and human onstage. I have been thanked by other Asian women for being a strong Asian figure that is not submissive or apologetic in character. It is so rewarding to have people recognize and relate to the idea that the sexiest thing about a woman is her attitude and acceptance of herself!


Q: What is unique about performing at Lannie’s Clocktower Cabaret?

We have three weekly shows, which is rare and we are very fortunate to have so many performance opportunities. Every Thursday at 8pm is the Naughty Pierre Burlesque & Comedy Extravaganzaa, Friday 11pm is Midnite Martini’s Sexy Sideshow, and Saturday 11pm is the Off the Clock Burlesque Show. We also have special 8pm Friday and Saturday shows throughout the year, which gives us so many opportunities to create, share, and perform.


Also the venue itself is just magical. It is a classy stage and has a wonderful old time jazz speakeasy cabaret feel to it. You go downstairs and you are transported to a different time and place! Plus you really become family when you step in the door. You are part of the show and share the experience with us hand in hand. Again, it’s just a really wonderful magical place!


Q: Is Denver one of your favorite places to perform?

YES! Besides it being my hometown I really feel like Denver audiences are so smart and cultured. They appreciate art and creativity and so really respond to acts when they feel there’s something funny or new or unique or emotional. They are some of the best responding crowds and funnest crowds to perform for!


Q: If you had to a choose a career aside from Burlesque Dancing what would it be?

I actually got my bachelors degree in Psychology and am very passionate for counseling and therapy. So if I wasn’t doing burlesque I would probably go back to school and study developmental psychology to become a children’s counselor. Either than or I’d also love to work for a non-profit LGBT activism company, another topic I am extremely passionate about.


Q: How do you stay in shape?

I try to workout and love taking gym classes like Barre or Kickboxing. But I am very fortunate that I have a job that keeps me fairly active and performing and rehearsing at least 5 times a week helps keep me in shape naturally. I’m always striving to get better however. But it’s nice to now have a healthier focus of working to get stronger or build endurance, opposed to obsessing over a scale and my weight.

Lannie's Showroom

Lannie’s Showroom

**More about Lannie’s: All kinds of entertainment from national blues, jazz and comedy acts, to Lannie Garrett’s popular shows (such as the hilarious Patsy DeCline Show), to tribute bands, burlesque and comedy shows, are offered. The venue is in its 7th year of operation.