Q&A with Founder of Paleo Simplified

Q&A with Founder of Paleo Simplified
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When Eileen Forte adopted the Paleo Diet, she realized the options were scarce and convenience along with it. On a mission to make a paleo product free of soy and other filler foods, she started experimenting with recipes. And demand caught up as others discovered that healthy food can taste delicious. Paleo Simplified has come a long way since Eileens days of printing labels from her computer and selling the bars wrapped in aluminum foil. We had the chance to catch up with Eileen to learn more about what led up to her Paleo journey.

Eileen Forte
Q: How did you discover Paleo?
Overweight and tired, I knew I needed a lifestyle change. I knew “traditional diets” were not only ineffective, but also not the healthiest of choices. My daughter put a copy of Loren Cordain’s “The Paleo Diet” on my coffee table. After a few weeks, I picked it up and could not believe what I was reading. I began researching and reading and ultimately felt that was the best way to live… period.
Q: What has been the biggest challenge of starting your own company? And biggest reward?
Finding a manufacturer that would make my product to my standards and specification proved a real challenge. They would make it, but not use the organic goji berries, or the raw unprocessed cacao and really to make smaller quantities that I needed at that time.
Honestly the biggest reward is easy. Offering people a healthy, delicious Paleo choice is my pride and joy. I feel great about what I do. It’s honest, whole food, not misleading, offering real nutrition, real energy, no chemicals or preservatives, antioxidants, promotes good health – and food the way your body was meant to have.
Q: What is something readers would be surprised to know about you?
This is funny. A picture is worth a thousand words. People see you as you are now. I travelled the same journey as many of my customers. I get it.
Q: Tell us some about the simplicity of the ingredients— and why coconut is so important!
The ingredients are pure, even the apricots (high in iron) are unsulfured. I am a superfood super fan. In fact, each bar contains approx. 24 organic goji berries, raw cacao, spirulina and of course my favorite, coconut. The Mayan’s called coconut the only food you need to live and as far as I know it is the best food on the planet. It is good for your brain, heart, blood, cholesterol, promotes healthy weight loss by impacting your metabolism and much more. Best of course is now they find that coconut helps thwart off the symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s, and frankly it’s yummy and you will find it in every bar I make!
Q: Where can readers find Paleo Simplified?
Nationally, as of now the best place is online. The Fresh Market, Florida locations, Whole Foods in NC, GA, and TN, along with many independent organic health foods stores across the country like Organic Harvest in Alabama, and others.