Reasons Why Kayaking Is Good for You
When looking up outdoor activities that involve water, kayaking should appear somewhere at the top of the list. By definition, kayaking is the activity of sitting in an enclosed watercraft and maneuvering the waters using a double-bladed paddle. It differs from canoeing in that, in the latter, an open water vessel is used. There are several different types of kayaking, including surf kayaking, kayak fishing, kayak touring, sea kayaking, and recreational kayaking, among others.
A Beneficial Activity
The best part about kayaking is that, just like many other outdoor activities, it has tremendous benefits to your health and wellbeing. This is, especially if you choose the right kayak and kayaking gear for the intended purpose. As you will discover at https://boatpriority.com/, there are different types of kayaks for different activities. The options available on the market differ in terms of design, model, size, and material. This means that the best way to benefit from kayaking starts with choosing the appropriate vessel for your activity. In this piece, we will look at some of the many reasons why kayaking is good for you.
1. Stress Reliever
In our day-to-day life, stress is inevitable, and we all have different ways of handling it. For many, bonding with nature is among the best ways to relieve stress. When kayaking, you automatically take your mind off whatever is bugging you to focus on getting over the waves. Floating on the waters is enjoyable and relaxing as the cool breeze sweeps and the water splashes on your feet. This is to not forget that kayaking is a form of exercise that helps relax your mind and body.
2. Source of Adventure
If you love to jog around your adrenaline, think no further. They say that kayaking is a sight-seeing opportunity for older people, and it’s a vacation for the kids. Well, whichever way you phrase it, kayaking is an awesome way of exploring the marvels and fruits of Mother Nature. Kayaking breaks the monotony of activities such as swimming and other ways of enjoying the waters. It is also peaceful, meditative, and exhilarating, depending on how you do it. Most importantly, it can be an amazing way to get that dose of adrenaline rush you need from time to time.
3. A Great Workout for Your Upper Body
Nothing turns a woman on like the fine chest of a man with firm abs and strong, good-looking arms. When kayaking, your back, arms, shoulders, and chest are in constant resistance. Instead of looking at it as a taxing challenge, you can take it as a way of working out your body away from the gym. Kayaking can be a full package of outdoor fun, adventure, and good health for the whole family. The more you are on the kayak activity, the more you are molding that body that will make you turn heads as you stroll on the sidewalk on that evening run. In other words, it can be a great way to regain self-confidence as you shed those pounds or maintain fitness, which brings us to the next point.
4. Way of Losing Weight
We all know someone who is struggling with losing weight. We all want to lose weight without feeling as if we are being drained. An hour kayaking over the waters can help you burn up to four hundred calories, which is perhaps even more than what you burn when you go panting and sweating at the gym. For the ladies, the bikini body can be acquired on this activity without much strain. If you are looking for ways to shed some pounds as you have fun, kayaking could be just what you need.
5. It Strengthens Your Lats
The muscle is the part of the body that benefits the most when kayaking. For example, when kayaking, your cardiovascular fitness is in check. It is a low-impact activity that soothes the joints and tissues. With the arms and legs in constant motion, there is an increased torso and leg strength since you are applying pressure with your legs. The back, arms, shoulders, and chest are in motion, which is a builder exercise as you flex.
Finally, kayaking is versatile. Unlike popular belief that kayaking is limited to lakes, rivers, or oceans, this is not the case! As long as there is a large water body, you can paddle leisurely. But one thing for sure, you need to be a competent swimmer for your safety, just in case the ugly happens in the course of the activity. You can join a club to help you sharpen your skills in the waters.