Reasons Why People are Obsessed with Hot Dogs
Hot dogs need no explanation. They are one of the most popularly consumed foods in the entire world with massive distribution, from the United States to Sierra Leone, they can be found everywhere. There are a variety of different types and flavours of hot dogs. Some of this author’s fondest memories are sitting in the movie theatre munching on a hot dog – and some of yours probably are too! Despite the fact they can be unhealthy if consumed a lot when consumed in moderation, they can be a tasty and delicious snack.
In this article, we are going to break down why people are so obsessed with hot dogs and why they are one of the world’s favourite snacks, dinners, and lunches. If you have any reasons why hot dogs are great that we missed in this post, leave them down below in the comments section.
Here are a few reasons why people are obsessed with hot dogs.
Hot dogs provide you with the opportunity to get creative. Seriously. There are so many ways that you can eat hot dogs and so many potential ways that we have not yet thought of. Sure, a hot dog in a bun is great, but so is a hot dog with some spaghetti going through it boiled in chili-salted water. Creativity is, on this site, our main reason for loving hot dogs. I mean, who does not like something that you can get creative with and just have a good time?
Hot dogs are perhaps the most versatile food that there is. You can actually cook a hot dog through electrocution, or you can put it in a kettle and boil it along with your tea (yuck!). Hot dogs are a fantastic way for you to get resourceful, and they are a great food item to keep around your house for hard times. Who knows when you are going to be hungry? By having a tin of hot dogs around, you will be able to counter any potential disaster that might come your way.
Hot dogs are not just a delicious snack, but they are a cultural fashion staple. Who hasn’t seen people walking around in hot dog T-shirts? Heck, who doesn’t own a hot dog T-shirt? Hot dogs make great clothing and memorabilia. Hot dogs have been used for clothing for many years now, their images that is, not the hot dogs themselves! If you are into fashion, comedy clothing, and awesome T-shirts, then you likely already know about hot dog T-shirts and sweaters. While perhaps a hot dog T-shirt is not the most fashionable item, it is certainly more fashionable and trendier than a cheeseburger T-shirt.
Hot dogs are delicious, above all. We can go over fashion, resources, and the opportunity to be creative, sure, but what’s a better answer to our question than the most obvious – that hot dogs are absolutely delicious. Hot dogs have become so popular over the years because they are very tasty, that is all, really. If they had not been as tasty as they are, then we would likely not be obsessed with them and they would not have skyrocketed to pop-culture fame. Hot dogs are just a delicious, easy, and tasty snack.
Hot dogs are cheap. While they are not the most nutritious snack, they are cheap, and sometimes, cheap food can be a lifesaver. We are not all millionaires and we cannot always afford the best quality and highest quality food, heck, sometimes we might not be able to buy any food at all. Hot dogs are a quick easy meal that fills you up in an instant. Hot dogs are delicious and when you are stuck and have no food, they can be a great way to fill yourself up. In my college days, I lived off of hot dogs for months and months, though I don’t recommend that.
Hot dogs are very versatile and can be eaten with a number of different sides. You can have hot dogs on their own, in a bun, or with mashed potatoes and beans. The versatility of hot dogs is another of the reasons that we love them so much. You can whip up a ton of different meals with a simple tin of hot dogs. They are a lifesaver, like we just mentioned, when you have virtually nothing to eat, because of the variety and versatility of meals that we can create with a tin of hot dogs.
Hot dogs are great, seriously, we love them. We hope that you enjoyed this article and that you share our affection for hot dogs. Thank you for reading, please come back and visit us again soon.