HB Tune Band, Running Made Easy

Review: HB Tune Band. Running With A Phone Made Easy

Review: HB Tune Band

Review: HB Tune Band

So you have hit the trails, with your smartphone of course. When it comes to stashing it, many of us ladies assume putting it in a sports bra is the best bet. But with the risks associated with that we have found another solution. It’s called the HB Tune Band. It makes sure that your phone can still be your fitness companion. Which is great news if you use as your own personal DJ or need to track miles and your route.

The HB Tune Band allows  you to slide your device into a protective pouch and strap it your hand. I prefer this over an armband because it feels more natural. Because I can still see my phone it’s easy to access music or apps and I can easily navigate the screen without breaking form.  I don’t worry about dropping it or slowing down to move my phone from my arm band. One of the best parts… no more listening to songs I didn’t want to hear because I didn’t feel like taking my phone off my arm!

 What It’s Made Of

Water and sweat resistant materials keep your device dry and safe. The high quality neoprene fabric is durable. Touch screen is fully functioning through the plastic cover, so no need to take your device out to use it.

Review: HB Tune Band. Running Made Easy

Review: HB Tune Band. Running Made Easy

Will It Fit My Device?

HB Tune is available in a variety of colors and fits a variety of device sizes. The smaller pouch is great for all iPhones and smaller Android or Windows smart phones. The larger pouch fits larger phones like the Samsung Galaxy. The larger case is also fantastic if you have your iPhone in a bumper case like an Otterbox.

 Dedicated to Your Satisfaction

 HB Tune wants you to be able to embrace movement and activity with technology. Knowing you will love this innovative pouch, HB Tune offers a free postage paid return or exchange within 90 days.

Hand bands are currently on sale for $24.99 with free shipping.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received the HB Tune Band for free from Deep Creek Public Relations in consideration for review publication.

HB Tune Band, Running Made Easy

HB Tune Band, Running Made Easy