Can Acupressure Mats Really Alleviate Pain?

Review: Heavenly Acupressure Mats

Review: Heavenly Acupressure Mats

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Acupressure can sound intimidating and maybe even painful. But the ancient Chinese healing therapy, used to ease pain and rebalance energy, is making big news recently. Turns out, laying on the dull nail like plastic spikes could restore wellness. Acupressure encourages the body to release endorphins that restore health and provide a feeling of well-being. With an acupressure mat, like the ones from Heavenly Acupressure, you don’t need the aid of a therapist and and can utilize it from your own home.

 Acupressure mats are an easy and affordable why to achieve stress and pain relief. Here are just some of the ways acupressure mats can help you:

  • Muscle Tension
  • Stress
  • Migraines
  • Insomnia
  • Back, Neck, & Body Pains
  • Relaxation
  • Better Sleep
  • Increased Energy

Heavenly acupressure mats have a 100% cotton exterior, non-toxic plastic, and foam rubber cushioning. Contained on these mats- 8,820 acupressure points. You can achieve relief, relaxation, and improved health by using acupressure mats for just 20 minutes a day. No matter age or condition, many experience great comfort and relief with Heavenly Acupressure Mats. Users even find that acupressure mats improve their quality of sleep with less pain and greater tranquility.

The fantastic thing about using the mats, you can skip pills for stress and sleep, thus avoiding all the negative side effects.

Research Shows…

“In a research study on the benefits of acupressure mats by Dr. Zilberter in Hillsborough, North Carolina, the following results were reported by the participants: 98% reported pain relief, 96% reported relaxation, 94% reported improved sleep, 81% reported an increase in energy levels.”

Available in black, green, or blue, Heavenly Acupressure Mats are currently on sale for $27.20.