The Flood in Glen Haven: An Update

The Flood in Glen Haven: An Update
Glen Haven, a century-old village, seemed to all but come to a halt after a flood in September damaged both homes and businesses in Colorado. Residents helped dig each other out of the mud and water as the community banned together.
Federal rescue workers came to aid victims by creating a footbridge over the rushing waters. The support has not been enough, however. Neighbors and business owners still need lots of help with funding and relief efforts.
Driving through town once the waters subsided, you could experience the aftermath of the flood. Boulders, damaged asphalt, and fallen trees affected the normal route.
The Colorado Department of Transportation has said that the road is the county’s responsibility. But, nothing has yet been done.

The Flood in Glen Haven: An Update
The Help and Need
The Glen Haven Fire Department has been a significant help. From rescuing a couple stranded on the roof along with hundreds of other folks during the flood to running a generator to help with clean up efforts.
Many homes and at least seven businesses either experienced damage or were completely demolished. Glen Haven is in need of a lot of infrastructure assistance. With no county or state crews coming to help, restoring businesses have been a slow going process.
Three months after the flood and residents are still working together to restore their town. Temporary roads were built to get electricity back to residents, but even those are now damaged from winter’s ice. These roads are impossible for large equipment to cross, like emergency vehicles. This presents a continued danger to folks still living in the area.
The county is applying for grants to assist with funding for all the work that needs to be done.
In the meantime, Glen Haven stills needs help with building, funding, and clean up. Donations go a long way to help residents and business owners get back on their feet during this tough winter season.

The Flood in Glen Haven: An Update

The Flood in Glen Haven: An Update