Transition Clothing Making Headway

Childhood friends Tom Huckins and Tenzin Gyaltsen are turning eco-friendly apparel into a trendy and fashionable clothing line here in Denver. Their clothing line, Transition Clothing, aims to provide quality clothing that is environmentally sustainable, humane, and hip! Specializing in stylish t-shirts and budding into other apparel, Transition Clothing features unique imprints on recycled acrylic, organic cotton, hemp and bamboo t-shirts. The T-shirts also highlights local artists’ designs and creativity. “We are a clothing company that represents the transition from the conventional world to the sustainable world,” says Huckins, “while striving to provide products that are made with organic, sustainable material and always remaining fashionable.”
Now over a year into the initial start of Transition Clothing, the two entrepreneurs have made it a point to work with other environmentally conscious organizations. Most notably including northeast Denver’s “Growhaus,” located in the Elyria Swansea neighborhood.  The Gorwhaus serves as an anchoring community marketplace, in-door farm, and learning facility  where neighborhood residents can buy freshly grown produce in an area that would not have previously been exposed to local and organic produce. “If there is a greater cause that benefits the well-being of the community, that’s where we want to be. The Growhaus has led the way with its impact, ideas, and commitment to a more sustainable world,” Huckins says, “It is always an honor to work with them.”
Pairing up to make their impact in the world of “Eco-fashion,” Gyaltsen is head of graphic designing, screen-printing, and the website. Huckins  and business aspects.  “I enjoy taking messages and concepts that I believe in, and turning them into screen printing designs,” says Gyaltsen. You can find them at the Urban Market on the 16th Street Mall every Thursday starting May 24th. “This summer should be a great time for us to take root in the Colorado area and continue the movement of creating a more sustainable world. We are excited to see what lies ahead,” said Huckins.
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