Travelling While Working: How to Start an eCommerce as a Digital Nomad

The digital age has given us all the opportunity to achieve financial independence and become our own bosses from anywhere that has access to an internet connection. No longer are business owners tied down to offices and shop fronts, rather they are able to go anywhere in the world and still maintain their business from a laptop. A digital nomad is a traveling digital businessman, who from a bus in Thailand, and an airport in Beijing can run his business effectively. Starting e-commerce and becoming a digital nomad is very easy and this page will seek to tell you everything you need to know.

Here is how you can travel while working and start up your own e-commerce business as a digital nomad.

Lease Warehouse Space

You no longer have to sit behind a desk all day to earn a living. If you can no longer deal with the constraints of nine-to-five life, then finding an alternative is absolutely imperative to your happiness. Becoming an e-commerce business owner is simple. However, some complications can arise. If you are going to be operating as a tradesman, buying, and selling goods, then you will need storage immediately. If you are constantly on the move, it will be difficult for you to find convenient storage. Fortunately, however, you can lease space in a warehouse to store your goods and arrange to ship. This is only relevant to e-commerce businessmen who are active sellers, it is important to add in here. Leasing warehouse space means that even if you are halfway across the world, your goods can still be delivered and stored safely and efficiently. Before you start buying and selling, it is fundamental to your e-commerce business success that you find appropriate storage for your goods and for returns.

Start a Website

When you are venturing into e-commerce, it is very important that you have a well-designed and easy to maneuver website. As all of your business will take place online, it is important both for your employees and your customers that your website is thoughtfully created. Websites that are not created carefully are often abundant with glitches and flaws that hinder the user experience and deter customers from returning to your website. If you do not know how to design websites, you can use templates from website builders. Or, if you would rather, you can employ a website designer to build your website from scratch.

Employ SEO Marketing

SEO marketing, or search engine optimization, is a method of manipulating Google’s algorithm to rank your website higher in the search listings. This is a very effective tool that many digital nomads make use of to ensure that their business can be found by potential customers. You can employ a team of SEO marketers to market your brand for you, or you can do it yourself. By doing it yourself you will reduce overhead costs and bring down your expenditure, however, it can be a very complicated process.

Bring a Portable Power Bank

As a digital nomad, you never know where you may end up. As your business is run entirely online, it is absolutely fundamental to its success that you are constantly able to charge your laptop or pad wherever you go. Failing to have a power bank can mean ruin for your business. In addition to a power bank, it is important that you bring a mobile router with you on your travels so you can stay connected to the internet from anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, many places do not have an internet connection, which means that you may be unable to run your business from some locations without a mobile Wi-Fi router.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can be a very effective tool for helping your e-commerce business to become successful. Social media offers many potential marketing solutions. One of the most popular is the sponsorship of social media personalities. A great way to bring business to your e-commerce is to sponsor a social media personality and pay them to endorse your brand publicly. Social media personalities will often bring their entire fanbase to your brand which can cause a surge in business.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing schemes are great for any e-commerce business. Offer members of the public financial incentives to market your brand for you as if it were a job. Affiliate marketing is a brilliant way to make money and can be very beneficial in drawing interest to your e-commerce website.

Now you know a few ways to get started as a digital nomad. Anyone can become a digital nomad and rather than restricting yourself to a miserable life of nine-to-five melancholia, try your hand at becoming your own boss today.