Useful Tips for Traveling to Pakistan in 2020

Planning a trip to Pakistan? That’s great because Pakistan has all the right things to make your journey into a worth cherishing memory.

From tantalizing your tastebuds with mouthwatering cuisine, refreshing your eyes with panoramic views to trekking the world’s most beautiful treks and becoming daredevil while driving over the edge of narrow mountain roads, Pakistan has so much to offer that you must visit it at least once. In fact, why constrain yourself to numbers? You can visit Pakistan anytime!

But visiting Pakistan is not as easy as waking up in the morning and saying: ‘Oh! I should travel to Pakistan’, and at night you would be standing at the airport, taking a flight to Pakistan. No, this won’t happen! A trip to Pakistan needs planning, preparation and some things you need to know before preparing your itinerary and bucket list.

If you are planning to visit Pakistan, here is what you need to know before preparing your bag:

Visa Application Process:

Officially, you get a traveling visa to Pakistan for up to 3 months. Pakistan is open to tourists, and except citizens of a few countries, it easily gives travel visa to people. You can apply online through e-visa, and the application process time depends on your embassy. But officially, the application says that it may take up to 6 days to process the application. But make sure your passport has 6-months validity even if you are just going for 3 months or less.

Best Time to Visit:

Okay, now this is a very hard question. Pakistan is a diverse land: from sweltering desserts, uneven plateaus to snow-covered mountains and mesmerizing dales, you can experience everything here. So, the time to visit Pakistan varies depending on what you want to experience. Like, if you want to visit the northern areas of Pakistan to see how heaven looks on the earth, then May to September is the ideal time. Otherwise, you might not be able to enjoy the trekking experience of some of the finest mountains in the world situated in Pakistan.

However, if you are into cultural diversity and want to see the diverse culture in Pakistan, then you should head towards its southern region during winters. Summer in the southern end is wild, so you might get a hard time if you dare to go there from June to August. So, pick your time depending on your itinerary!

Check Out Money Transfer Methods:

Traveling is expensive; we all know that. But Pakistani currency, rupee, is quite devalued as compared to Dollars, Euros and other countries’ currencies. It will be a huge advantage for you because you can enjoy so many things if you carry a few hundreds of dollars. But don’t forget that traveling get unpredictable and you might end up splurging more than your budget. So, it is better to search ‘how to send money to Pakistan’ before kicking off your journey in case you have to ask your parents or a friend to send you more money to continue your adventurous trip.

Security Conditions:

Pakistan has a long history of fighting with terrorism and in the past, the situation was a bit turbulent in terms of security. However, over the past few years, Pakistan has bounced back as a prosperous country and taken adequate measures to sort out security issues. Consequently, tourism has again bloomed in Pakistan, and many backpackers are heading towards Pakistan – so should you! But make sure to stay away from international borders because it can get a bit risky.