Wish of A Lifetime's Evening Affair Tells Stories of Deserving Seniors


Courtesy Custom Creations Photography

Jeremy Bloom is committed to bringing joy to the lives of senior citizens. The two-time Olympic Skier and former NFL football player started the Wish of A Lifetime to make wishes of deserving senior citizens come true. Over the last eight years, the foundation granted more than 400 wishes and more than 1,000 group wishes. That number will be on the rise after the Evening Affair, a gala held July 20, complete with music, a live auction and heartfelt stories.

Bloom introduced us to people like Nancy. When WOL found out her daughter is dying of cancer and she didn’t have the money to travel to say goodbye, a plane ticket was purchased with her name on it.

We also learned about 87-year old Alma, who was a special guest at the event. A life-long Elvis fan, she made a simple wish to have someone help her hang Elvis pictures on her walls. But the team at WOL exceeded her expectation and instead flew her to Graceland, the home of the King of rock and roll.

Another senior, Billye, has always dreamed of riding in a red sports car. Her wish more than came true when she got behind the wheel of a Ferrari. “She did speed! She drove well over 100 m.p.h. She really got after it,” laughed Bloom.

Bloom said while it is tough to have a favorite wish, one definitely is in the running. He told us to the story of Tom, who was given one year to live by his doctor after he was diagnosed with COPD. His dream was to travel out of Alabama and see the world but his condition keeps him from doing so. Instead, the world is coming to him in the ways of postcards. So far he has received 2,500 postcards from 40 countries and all 7 continents

If you want to send a postcard find out how here. https://seniorwish.org/blog/send-a-postcard-grant-a-wish/

For other ways to donate or to become a volunteer, visit: https://seniorwish.org/

Chad Chisholm, Carri Wilbanks, Bethany Rhodes & Jim Guttau at Wish of Lifetime Gala

Chad Chisholm, Carri Wilbanks, Bethany Rhodes & Jim Guttau at Wish of Lifetime Gala

Nitrogen Infused Popcorn at Wish of a Lifetime Gala

Nitrogen Infused Popcorn at Wish of a Lifetime Gala


Wish of a Lifetime Gala

Wish of a Lifetime Gala