Colorado Mountain Winefest

Colorado Mountain Wine Fest turn 21 this year, and with it entering legal age, it has become just a little smarter. All festival chef demos and educational seminars are now included in this year’s ticket price, instead of being costly additional add ons to the original price. So festival goers can now enjoy wine tasting, mingling with winemakers, amazing food and wine, and enough education to consider themselves wine experts by the time
they leave. Cost is $43

The festival will take place in Palisade’s Riverbend Park on Sept. 15, bringing 50 of Colorado’s premier wineries together to celebrate local wine with hundreds of acres of vineyards as the back drop. The biggest day in Colorado wine each year will also include a grape stomp, ice carving display, and attendees will walk away with a commemorative wine glass and wine tote to carry bottles back home with them. Mountain Winefest
typically draws 6,000 each September, with a majority of guests coming from the Grand Valley, Front Range of Colorado as well as New Mexico, Utah, Texas and Arizona.