Fun Word Games To Play In The Car While Traveling
If you’re looking for ways to keep your brain active during long car trips, then this article is a must-read. We have compiled a list of word games that will keep your mind sharp and entertained as you drive down the highway. From easy alphabet games to spelling challenges and more, these word games will keep you entertained for hours on end. Check out our list below for some fun ideas!
Scrambled Word Game
This is a basic game, but it is somewhat more challenging than the word search or word find. Players take turns drawing seven cards and then flipping each one over to see what word lies on the other side. If they cannot find a word match, they draw another card and flip it over. When two players both find the answer to a card, they must race each other to state the answer aloud before the other player can do so.
The first player to name three words without missing out on any letters wins! This is an interesting game if you have children who love games with rules, as this one has some strategy involved. The winner of these games can collect points or even play until they run out of cards – it’s up to you and your group.
The rules are easy to follow, but the hard part is remembering all of the letters from each word! This game can be especially fun for those who love all things word-related. It involves a lot of speed and personal skill, as players will need to concentrate on both spelling and racing against others in order to win. If you have trouble with spelling or coming up with words, online tools like https://www.unscramble.me/ can help. Just make sure nobody notices! Finally, these games can be great bonding experiences for those who love words and are looking for a challenge in their free time.
Alphabet Game
A really easy word game you can play in the car is the Alphabet Game. This is where you try to find words that start with a letter of the alphabet. The person announces the letter and everyone who can say a word that starts with said letter says it out loud. The first person to say a word has to say one more letter than the last person. You’re not allowed to repeat any letters, and if you forget your turn, someone else gets a chance to play.
Also, it’s most fun if you extend your words with as many extra letters as possible. For example, if “I” is the first letter, someone would say “island”. The next person would have to add a letter to that word (so they’d say “isolated”). You continue in this way until someone can’t think of a word for the particular combination of letters given.
Also, instead of going straight through the alphabet (A-Z), you could start with A and then go through the names of the months or animals in alphabetic order. If you want to each person has their own time to think up a word based on what letters have already been said so there won’t be confused about who should take their turn next.
Adjective Game
The object of this game is to use adjectives instead of nouns in describing things around you. One person starts by describing something they can see with a noun statement, such as “There’s an old house.” The next person must add an adjective to that description, making it more specific. The next person would then try to guess what the object in question was, such as “It’s an old yellow house.” etc.
You want to use adjectives that are opposite of each other (for example: big and small). You can describe still objects or moving ones-anything you can see from your position in the car. If someone doesn’t know the word for something they’re trying to think of, have them mime as much about its shape or look as possible. It’s a good idea if you take turns going around the circle so no one is excluded by not knowing all of the words.
This game gets very silly and entertaining! It always causes laughs amongst everyone who plays!
Person Game
This game is simple, but extremely entertaining as well. You pick out one person (anyone in the car will do), and then you try to describe them using only the first letter of their name, without saying their name itself. For example, if someone’s name was Justin, you could start describing him by saying “J-justin likes J-jumping up on things.” The people around would have to guess who that description was referring to. It helps if everyone remembers a little bit about what each person is like so they can be better at guessing who the description belongs to! However, it’s not a requirement. Anyone can play this game even if they don’t know much about any of those involved.
The next person would then have to describe a different person in the car, but again trying not to use their name at all! It gets harder each round because you’re more and more restricted with how specific you can be without using someone’s actual identity.
Sensory Playground
This is another fun game that gets everyone thinking about what they see, hear, smell, taste, or touch while playing it. You simply start by saying one word based on your own sense of the current setting (such as “sun”, “grass” or “dog”). The next person has to say another word based on their sensory perceptions as well (ex: dog, sun, or hot). Keep going around the group until someone repeats a word already used.
The person who repeats a word has to start over, so they can either try to be more specific (hot sweat running through my hair) or just make it into one of the other senses by saying “hot dog” for example. You don’t have to keep with just 5 senses, though. You can say whatever words you like as long as you’re being descriptive enough and not repeating anything else!
We hope you enjoyed our list of fun word games to play in the car while traveling. One last tip: make sure that whoever is driving knows what type of game they’re playing before starting or else someone may end up getting frustrated or angry with each other-not exactly an ideal situation when trying to get somewhere safely! Keep these suggestions handy for your next trip and enjoy some time off from work by having some fun together as a family.