Trigger Point Performance Therapy – Foot & Lower Leg Kit

Preventing Injuries in the Active State of Colorado

When training for a race, running into pain or injury can be discouraging. With Colorado being such an active state it can be easy to be slowed by an injury. And even more painful to have to sit on the sidelines- especially when fall is in the air. Here are some suggestions to both prevent and heal injuries so nothing holds you back. 

Strassburg Sock 

The Strassburg Sock is easy to use and adjustable for comfort and fit.

The Strassburg Sock is easy to use and adjustable for comfort and fit.

The Strassburg Sock zaps pain that comes with with plantar fasciitis, heel pain, achilles tendonitis and tight calves. The tight fit sock comes with a connecting strap to pull the toes towards the knee. This keeps the heel in a stretched position without locking any joints. The sock can be worn to bed, which can keep you from waking up without stiff muscles and hobbling around until blood starts to flow. Inexpensive and easy to use, this sock is a go to form of therapy. Plus, you can bypass bulky boots! No wonder so many refer to it simply as “the good sock.”

To really speed up recovery, also consider the Runner’s Remedy Achilles Tendon Sleeve. This product combines the benefits of targeted compression and icing. Sleeves are also available for calves, shins and arches. Replacement ice packs are also available for purchase.

Runner's Remedy Achilles Tendon Sleeve.

Runner’s Remedy Achilles Tendon Sleeve.

Trigger Point Performance Therapy – Foot & Lower Leg Kit


Trigger Point Performance Therapy – Foot & Lower Leg Kit

Trigger Point Performance Therapy – Foot & Lower Leg Kit

The Foot & Lower Leg Kit from  Trigger Point Performance Therapy works to relax muscles that are causing problems or soon could. The kit is basically your own personal massage therapist. It comes with 2 massage balls, a footballer and baller block that target lower leg muscles and feet. The Block elevates the foot and leg, to allow the foot to relax, so the Footballer can be used to massage calf muscles. The double massage balls can relieve tension on the lower leg. They are designed to mimic a hand so you can massage any tender or problematic muscles or joints.  There is also a DVD to walk you through moves, which beats trying to depict a diagram. The kit sells for just under $110.00 which can seem steep, but compare that to the cost of one massage or visit with a physical therapist and you are coming out ahead.

 Cold Cure Wraps

Cold Cure Wraps By King Brand

Cold Cure Wraps By King Brand

The whizzes at King Brand make it easy to rehab injuries. This company shifts the focus from the “RICE” approach (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) to a method they have coined “RCCE.” (Rest, Cold, Compression and Elevation). By swapping “Ice” for “Cold” the company suggests healing can happen faster.

King Brand makes Cold Cure Wraps to foster the RCCE approach. A soft and moldable gel sits inside wraps that are comfortable and easy to adjust. Plus- you can wear these around the house or running errands because they stay on sturdy! The gel- called RigiGel is charged in the fridge so joints heal sans freezing temperatures that can make already tense joints even more tense. Treatments should be cycled in 20 minutes of use followed by 20 minutes of rest.

Why Else We Like It:

– One year product quality warranty included

-Made with RigiGel- allows for a soft and moldable placement on injured areas.

– Comes with three RigiGel packs- so when you are using one two more are ready and waiting in the refrigerator.

KT Tape Pro 

KT Tape Pro

KT Tape Pro

Tape over pain with this sticky stuff and you could notice a huge improvement in performance. The adhesive tape is applied directly to muscles , joints and tendons like a band aid. Because the tape lifts muscles and adds support it increases blood flow so affected tissue can heal naturally.  It can help everything including shin splints, plantar fasciitis and knee pain. Kinesiology Tape also reduces inflammation, which can prevent muscle cramping and prevent lactic acid build up. The tape was invented in Japan several years ago and was only used by physical therapists, athletics trainers and chiropractors until a few years ago.  It is now available to buy online. KT TAPE PRO comes in 8 colors: Jet Black, Laser Blue, Winner Green, Stealth Beige, Solar Yellow, Hero Pink, Epic Purple and Blaze Orange. Each roll contains 20 10-inch “I” strips.

Why Else We Like It:

– The tape stays can be own in water and stays on for up to seven days.

– KT TAPE PRO comes in 8 colors: Jet Black, Laser Blue, Winner Green, Stealth Beige, Solar Yellow, Hero Pink, Epic Purple and Blaze Orange. Each roll contains 20 10-inch “I” strips.

– You can visit to watch informative videos on how to apply the tape to specific areas that are injured.


  1. Paul on June 17, 2015 at 3:58 pm

    The Cold Cure Wraps made by KingBrand and MendMeShop are definitely superior to other gel packs I have used. When treating certain joints on the body such as the ankle or knee – the non-migrating gel is definitely beneficial and allows for better treatment results.