Review: Rainraps A Stylish Alternative to a Raincoat or Umbrella
The ultimate summer wardrobe staple is a decent rain coat, but with warmer days ahead you don’t want anything too heavy. That’s where RAINRAPS come in – these lightweight fashion accessories are water-repellent, fast-drying and chic. Not only that, but they’re easy to tote around for sudden weather changes. RAINRAPS come with a travel pouch, and they fold up to easily fit inside your handbag or suitcase.
RAINRAPS come in an array of classic and bright, fun colors, retailing for just $60 to $65 each.
We chat with the founder below.
Q: How did the idea for “Rainraps” come to be?
I was always prepared for the cold weather with my pashmina, but never prepared for the rain. I needed a pashmina for the elements, something to always have on hand for the ever changing weather that we seem to have. So the RAINRAP was born.
Q: Tell us a little about your background. Have you owned a business before?
I have never owned a business, I had been a stay at home mom for the past 10 years when I realized that I needed to make a RAINRAP. Prior to having kids, I was a buyer in NYC for a big chain of stores and my partner was an event planner. Go figure!
Q: What is something readers would be surprised to know about you or your business?
We had no idea how to do anything in regards to manufacturing or starting a business. We reached out to our friends, our friends’ friends, and the internet. It really isn’t rocket science, everything you need to know is out there.
Q: How did you find the inspiration for the design?
I took my favorite wrap and my husband’s golf jacket that is made of the softest, lightest weight material. We said we want this shape in this fabric. It was that easy!
Q: What is the biggest challenge of running the business? And biggest reward?
Our biggest challenge is realizing that we are designers. We truly created a product out of a need and now we are having to really study the trends in colors and fashion. That would be my biggest challenge, competing with the fashion world and trying to stay on top.
Our biggest reward has been the emails that we receive from our customers who have just come back from a fabulous vacation and the RAINRAP saved them! Our goal has always been that every women know what a RAINRAP is so they can always be prepared! I think my partner and I would also say that setting an example for our 4 children has also been quite rewarding. We have shown them that you truly can do anything you put your mind to.
Q: What has surprised you most about owning a business?
How fun it can be! And how lucky am I to work side by side with my best friend!