Travel-Friendly Snacks: Tips and Tricks

Food can be a huge expense when you are traveling. Fortunately, you can cut down on this cost by packing your own snacks. However, not all food travels well, so you need to make sure that you pack the right things. Here are some travel-friendly snacks tips and tricks for you to follow.

Pack the right foods

While it isn’t practical to pack certain snacks, you still do have a lot of healthy options. They include:



-Fruits and Vegetables

-Beef Jerky

-Trail Mix



-Granola Bars

-Dry Cereal

Foods that don’t require refrigeration can be taken basically anywhere with you. The foods mentioned above are also small in size so they can easily fit in your bag or compact spaces.

This is a key point to remember: make things that are easy to eat with your hands. According to a recent survey, most travellers and consumers agree that portability is a top criterion when choosing breakfast or lunch meals.

Eat snacks in the right order

If you will be packing perishable items, you really need to eat them first. Produce like carrots, apples, oranges and bananas tend to travel well, but they don’t have a very long shelf life. Save prepackaged items for later and eat things that might go bad quickly first.

Make snacks easily accessible

You probably won’t eat your snacks if you can’t get to them easily. They should be easy to get to without a lot of effort. If you will be traveling by car, make sure your snacks are in a bag on the passenger seat or floor. If you will be flying, put your snacks in your carry-on bag.

Bring a small cooler if you can

If you will be traveling by car or train, you may be able to bring a small cooler with you to keep snacks in. This can save you a lot of money as you can put all sorts of different items in there that don’t need to be reheated. They include:



-String Cheese

-Hard-boiled Eggs


If you want to keep your items as cold as possible, place the ice on top rather and the food on the bottom. Make sure you limit the amount of times you open the cooler so that you don’t let a lot of warm air in.

Save money by buying in bulk

If you are trying to save money, purchase your snacks in bulk, and portion them out in bags or small containers. You’ll find that it’s a lot cheaper to purchase items this way rather than buy them individually packaged. It is also beneficial as you can make snack bags for each person, and you can adjust the quantity based on how much they tend to eat.

Plan for the amount of snacks you’ll need throughout your trip

It’s not uncommon for travelers to run out of snacks before their trip is over. If you want to keep this from happening, it’s imperative that you plan ahead. Think about how many days you’ll be gone, and figure out how many snacks you usually eat in a day.

It’s also a good idea to pack a few extra things just in case you find yourself extra hungry. Don’t plan on being able to replenish your snacks at your destination. You may find limited options, or you might not have time to stop to do some food shopping.

If you will be traveling soon, you can save quite a bit of money by packing your own snacks. By following the tips mentioned above, you will always have something to eat on hand when hunger strikes.