What You Should Know About Surfing

Before someone starts any venture or hobby, it is always essential to do some research up front. Surfing looks like a highly exciting and challenging sport, and indeed it is — but one needs to go into it with their eyes wide open. There are so many things to consider, ranging from budget to location; from equipment to safety. This article will hopefully clarify some of the key things to consider. 


It’s possible to learn loads about surfing and surfing techniques from books and the internet. As with all sports, it’s better to learn correctly from the start than to unlearn bad habits later. The best route to take is having training from someone well qualified and experienced. On checking this website, it was reassuring to learn from the experts that one trainer can be allocated to you or your family, rather than just to a whole group. Interestingly, a lot of initial training is conducted on dry land (possibly from the beach) rather than on the water. 


There’s a number of essential purchases that have to be made at the start. There’s the surfboard, obviously, and an 8ft size is usually the most widely suitable. Having said that, there are a number of shapes and sizes to choose from. It needs to be the right volume and rocker. Wetsuits provide protection and stop chaffing of the skin. 

Booties also provide protection for the feet. Surfing wax is important as it provides grip for them, so you can stand on the board. Having a repair kit with you will mean that if any cracks appear on the board, you can fix them and keep surfing. A surfboard rack on the car will be perfect for travelling from place to place. Once a person gets serious about their hobby, they may wish to invest in a GoPro and surfboard mount, so they can film the excitement and watch it at home.


Surfing requires a high level of fitness as it’s a total body workout. Sometimes people become separated from their boards because the rope breaks. Without a board to get to shore, surfers will be dependent on their ability to swim. If someone isn’t fit enough to do three to four lengths of a swimming pool in one go, they aren’t safe surfing in the ocean. Endurance is a physical quality required for a day’s surfing. The currents and tides change regularly, and even the strongest swimmer can battle with them at times. For safety’s sake, it is always wise to speak to the coast guard before starting and to never surf alone. Sharks can be more present in one place than another, but there might always be that risk. The more research, the safer it will be. 

A surfer will require plenty of sunscreen as the heat can be punishing, even when it’s not direct sunlight. The board can sometimes come back at its rider and strike them, so if a helmet is recommended, it would be foolish to ignore.


Surfing is usually done in oceans, but it can be done in some lakes and rivers. Generally, people will recommend starting on a beach rather than near rocks, as it’ll be a softer landing when they fall. Having said that, it depends on the area as well. Some rocky areas may present safer locations than sandy as there are so many different factors involved. In addition to this, there are variables with the types of waves – and these change on a daily basis. 

Surfers should always respect the locals. It should be one person per wave, and it’s not okay for someone to steal someone else’s by doing a ‘drop-in’. 


Locations and waves can make things complicated, but this is part of the exhilaration with surfing. Nothing is 100% predictable, even if you are an experienced professional. It’s not possible to tame a lion, and the sea is similar as it’s impossible to control. Waves come in pairs, triplets, and groups. Different waves require different techniques to ride them.  

After a day’s surfing, a person’s muscles will ache and they may have caught the sun. There may be soreness in the body, and even a wet rash or board rash. Despite all the challenges involved in this hobby, its popularity is massive. If someone is adequately trained and has the right equipment, they are ready to begin. With the right level of fitness and the most suitable location, there is every chance of having great fun. Surfing is a complex skill and it will take time, but the excitement and variety will make it worth it in every way.